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When should I RSVP by?

To help us with planning, please RSVP to the events as soon as possible.

If we do not receive your RSVP by October 22, 2025, we will have to mark you as 'no'. We hope you understand.

Can I bring a plus one?

Due to limited space, we can only accommodate guests who are formally invited. If you've received a plus one, they'll be specifically addressed on the invitation. Otherwise, we ask that only the named people in the invitation are in attendance.

Are children welcome?

As much as we love your little ones, our wedding is exclusively for adults.

Can I take photos during the ceremony?

We ask that you kindly put your phones and camera away during the ceremony as we want you all to be present with us in the moment. We have a professional photographer and videographer capturing the ceremony for us.

Will there be an open bar?


Is the wedding outside?

As long as the sun is shining and the wind is minimal, our ceremony and reception will be outside. We would appreciate if after you read this, you knock on wood. Thanks!

What should I wear?

Ocean Reef requires a country club style dress code. View the full dress code here. This dress code is enforced by club staff.

Our wedding, on Saturday, will be black tie on the beach.

What time should I be ready?

Our wedding weekend itinerary is still in the works. Once the weekend schedule is finalized, it will be updated on this website.

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